Each of Your Uncommon Economic Indicators

See each of the submitted stories below.

July 17, 2009 01:27:30 PM

LI Guy




Caller ID Bingo


Similar to the game we played as kids on road trips where we kept track of out of state license plates my youngest son and his buddy were discussing all of the states that come up on caller ID that don't get answered...

July 17, 2009 11:54:19 AM

Daniel B Dobkin




Recession winds up, wine winds down?


In one of the tonier LI suburbs the local wine merchant stocks many "bargain" brands of liquor as well as wines: the less expensive stock is typically displayed in open cases distributed around the floor rather than on shelves or in wine-rack displays.

For the last few months, I've noticed that the open floor space has increased significantly: could it be that they're no longer keeping as much low-margin inventory on hand?


Plandome Road, Manhasset, NY

July 16, 2009 10:55:12 PM

Malini Waghray




A bright bright spot in my life.


I have less time to window shop and damage my financial plans. I spend less money on eating out, more at home. Children miss the eating out but I am discovering the new meaning of how to connect with my 12 and 6 year old.
I have also stepped into the world of a "sales" job and met some wonderful people. My friend thinks I have done a very American thing by doing what it takes to support my family (by taking up an Insurance sales job after a PhD from India). I am proud of it and will hope that I have set a good example for my children. I am a mother anad was born and brought up in India, now going to soon become an American citizen and looking forward to it.


201 Lancaster Court, Belle Mead, NJ 08502

July 15, 2009 02:26:30 PM





Gold Parties


I've been invited to six "GOLD PARTIES" this month. You bring your old gold and someone appraises it and gives you cash on the spot. Three co-workers have had the parties and another co-worker works for a company part-time.
The host receives a fee and/or percentage on the amount of gold sold. A few friends are adding this element to their summer bbq.

July 14, 2009 11:03:17 PM

Jacqueline Cantwell




Young Black Men Looking for Work


I have worked as a law librarian for twenty years, seven of those years in Oakland, California and the past nine in Brooklyn. I judge the economy by the kinds of questions coming over the reference desk. In good times, the questions are varied because people are starting businesses and need to research how to register a company and which regulations govern. In bad times the questions are repetitive and about how to get out of debt. I point to books on bankruptcy, foreclosure, and student loans several times a day now.
The questions that sadden me the most are the young black men asking about the laws governing process servers. I know times are bad again when that question comes up. No one looks for that work when times are good. It’s a dangerous job; no one likes being served. These young guys are all decent young men trying to get by. They deserve so much more.


360 Adams Street, Room 349, Brooklyn, New York 11201

July 14, 2009 08:02:36 PM





Whole Foods - Ridgewood NJ


Whole Foods in Ridgewood has always been buzzing with people and many times parking is scarce. For some time now the store is much quieter and the rear parking lot is often empty. Free samples and the numerous tastings have all but disappeared and if you look carefully there are little gaps appearing on the shelves. A new Whole Foods did open in Paramus which may have taken some business, but I think the direction they were going ($40 a lb gourmet chocolates and other fancy things) has caught up with the economy.


44 Godwin Ave, Ridgewood NJ 07450

July 14, 2009 01:33:23 PM

Annetta Marion




brown bagging at concerts


went to see Wilco last night in coney island and saw two people eating sandwiches they had brought from home. this was NOT a picnic-kind of venue where it would be typical to bring your own and now that i think about it, i'm pretty sure they searched bags to make sure no one brought in food or drink. so this was unusual.


cyclone stadium, coney island

July 14, 2009 01:12:39 AM

Craig Waletzko




Irony: Artists Unaccustomed to Safety Nets


As a couple of (mostly) working actors here in the city for more than twenty years, my wife and I have grown accustomed to the anxieties and uncertainties that are a normal part of a career spent in the arts. When the downturn hit last fall, we were worried that this time around, the in-between-gigs-time would be rockier than ever. Sure enough, my Broadway show closed in January, shortly after her last commercial stopped running. On top of that, her SAG insurance ran out, our co-op got hit with a huge maintenance assessment, and our eldest daughter’s orthodontist said we couldn’t put off her braces any longer.

But here’s strange part: Unemployment insurance benefits have been extended way past the usual 26 weeks – and they’ve actually increased the top payment by $25 a week. (That’s my younger daughters’ piano lessons!) And once we started on COBRA, we found a state program that covers half our premium, then a new 6-month federal program that covers the whole thing!

Don’t get me wrong. The long-term fear is as real as ever. But from a day-to-day anxiety perspective, it’s actually not the worst time to be an out-of-work actor.

July 13, 2009 06:27:07 PM

David Kach




Infinite Recession (haiku)


A WaMu bank branch
becomes a ninety-nine cent store.
Store signs of the times


East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY

July 10, 2009 10:24:23 PM

Mary Grunmeier




Things have changed in Morris County


The state of the Real Estate market in Morris County has changed. My office had 103 Revenue units in June. This is an all-time record. We once had about 165 agents in my office. Now we have about 115. Yet, in June, we had an all time record for our office for revenue units! Company-wide (and we are the largest real estate company in NJ) June was the best month in 2 years. Two of our regions--North Central NJ, and Northern NJ saw inventory that, if it didn't contract, it didn't expand. Demand is there, and Supply is not expanding. We are seeing a 30% increase in page views on our web site, and we are seeing a huge increase in attendance at open houses. All of this suggests that in the area we serve (Mostly Morris County) the Real Estate market has hit bottom. I'm posting our production board for June...103 Revenue transactions! All time record!


1625 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ

July 09, 2009 12:53:07 PM

Jennifer Goodnow




shakespeare in the park


as a teacher i can go to the shakespeare line on weekdays. i usually get to the line at 6:30 a.m. and am assured of not only getting tickets, but getting good seats. I went during the last week of the show with friends and found the line stretching well past it's usual place for 6:30. In fact, we soon realized we would never get tickets! people began showing up at 2::30 a.m! we all decided it must be the recession. more people are also free during the week to get tickets and can afford the price of tickets - free!


central park, delacourte theatre

July 07, 2009 10:59:13 AM





Blatant need for free labor


This new blog: SalaryTK: The job board for journalists who don't want to get paid.

Journalism is imploding at the same time as the economy. It's a field that has always relied on free labor from "interns," but anecdotal evidence suggests those interns are getting older, and a scan of job ads reveals that the requests for free labor are getting more and more brazen--from bigger and bigger media names. (Alas, WNYC included.)

July 06, 2009 11:57:04 AM





A different kind of bait and switch


A unscientific survey of colleagues has confirmed my suspicion that many businesses are soliciting proposals as a way to bridge knowledge and staffing gaps. Consultants and small service agencies are particularly vulnerable to this practice. Colleagues stories include scenarios such as the prospective clients accepted the proposal then announced that they would be doing the project in-house with freelancers. Basically, they used the proposal process as a way to acquire the strategy and planning for free. An extreme case was where the executive who solicited the proposal presented it as his own using it launch his consulting career with this former employer.

July 03, 2009 10:05:41 AM





Buy a Condo, Get a Prius


I can't think of a better way to commemorate the 4th of July...


prospect heights, brooklyn

July 02, 2009 06:23:38 PM

Rob Seitz




Finding "Money" in the Bible


To help meet its obligations to its community outreach programs and continue the restoration of its historic church building in New Rochelle, NY, St. John's Episcopal Church recently sponsored a 3-day marathon reading of the New Testament. Called a "Bibliathon." Each participant read a passage from the New Testament and was sponsored by friends and family for $1 or more per minute. About $7,000 was raised -- almost as much as the awareness that was raised about what the Bible teaches.

[Editor's Note: To see the 23 min. video from NET NY, a new faith-centered cable TV network based in New York City, use this URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/netnewyork. To add articles, videos or photos about the economy from other news sites, please follow the link to Articles on the Economy on our Bulletin Board]


11 Wilmot Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10804

July 02, 2009 12:32:42 PM

Chrissy rossettie




Thrift Stores!


Thrift stores are making a SERIOUS comeback! There are at least five or six new ones in East Williamsburg alone, within the last 3 months! Hurrah for worry-free shopping!

July 01, 2009 10:22:31 PM

Kate Black




joe jrs on 6th ave has lost its lease!! we have to save it!!


i just walked by joe jrs on my way home, and there's a new sign in the window that says they've lost their lease, and their last day in business is sunday, july 5. this is a travesty!! this is a neighborhood institution! everything is vanishing before our eyes. how do we -- concerned citizens, regulars, and people who want new york to be something other than hipster cafes, sleek new restaurants and empty storefronts -- help save the real establishments that make new york new york? does anyone know who the landlord is, or how similar situations have been challenged by neighbors and the broader public? time is running out...we have to do something!


482 6th ave, at 12th st.

June 30, 2009 08:33:44 AM

Libby Kessman




Cheap Psychoanalysis


While walking in my Upper West Side neighborhood, I saw several hand-lettered signs advertising CHEAP PSYCHOANALYSIS on several phone kiosks and bus shelters. I regretted I didn't have my camera on me.


Broadway in the 100s

June 28, 2009 08:05:35 AM





Not going, going gone yet!


As of Sunday morning there are still tickets left for the Subway Series at Citifield!


Citifield, Queens

June 27, 2009 08:09:07 PM

Nancy Rayfiel




Moving day


A worker in my upper east side building told me that when people move out now they take everything with them. Formerly, they would leave furniture, appliances, etc. and replace them in their new dwelling.


East 70's and York Avenue, New York City

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