December 09, 2009 11:58:22 PM





Uncommon Bartering Opportunities in the New Economy


We all know someone who does something we would like to do--maybe it is a skill we would like to know to improve our job prospects, or a creative pursuit we would like to invest our time in. Instead of buying these things which we can't afford during these days of uncertainty, I am going to find partners to barter with me. I will be giving language lessons to a pianist who will help me improve my playing in return. As a researcher on obesity in minority populations, II will be baking healthy food for a soup kitchen, and offerring nutritional counseling to the homeless who come there. I will donate my new music skills to children or seniors by playing in schools and nursing homes. I hope to help myself and others by giving and getting something of value in return--learning by community service, friendship, new acquaintences, and a feeling that I am lifting someone's spirits when the times seem bleak.


18 Nielson St. New Brunswick, NJ 08901 , 96 Lipman Drive, New Brunswick, NJ 08901