November 29, 2010 07:54:22 AM



It means that, so far, no one will put you in jail for expressing a position critical of the government. Of course, no one does that any more so it doesn't matter.

For instance, where are the critics--left or right--suggesting that 9/11 was an act of revenge brought on by previous American foreign policy and that occupying Muslim countries makes it worse.
Where are the voices asking why we need to have troops stationed in 60 or 70 countries around the world? We need Social Security and Medicare; we don't need to occupy the world.


At the national level, most of them are in it for the money.


Eliminate government pensions and health care. Give them all 401(k) plans and wish them luck, like the rest of us. Make them buy group insurance in the open market, like the rest of us. And, oh yes, pay a big chunk of the premium like the rest of us.


I'd like to see meaningful criticism of the government (not Tea Party B.S.) and more stories that are "underreported" (thank you Leonard). If you don't know what they are, listen to WBAI for a while.
Let's see if it is a free country.

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