December 06, 2010 10:28:38 AM

It means there is a little more room to maneuvedr than one is able in a country that is less free. It means in this instance that conress cannot be approached b y individuals only by groups


People catering to their personal doctrines instead of thinking out each individual problem one issue at a time.

So politics becomes a religious matter rather than something rational


Educate the public. TV educates the public about criminal minds and murder from 9-12 pm on almost any channel.There is no reason these programs can't be designed to include educational facts amidst the mayhem. Even murderous have geographical beginings and the road to hell has algebrain coordinates. Damaged art has history besides clues. Greek and trojan wars have enough excitement as well as history,.


The public is getting so dumbed down that the independence of mind is challenged--and it took so long to get here.

Also I find sit difficult to find places to write comments on your shows. The places seem mercurial from week to week some other place. Oh I forgot your site has been "improved"

Our new site is based on the notion that here in the United States, you can express yourself however you want. Hey, It's a Free Country, right? But we also know that political discourse has reached a point where people are talking past, not to, each other. We've been asking our guest bloggers "What does the phrase mean to you?" and "What's broken in politics, and how do we fix it?" Now we want to hear from you! Take the Free Country survey below. You don't have to answer all of the questions, just tell us what's on your mind.

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