September 07, 2010 07:06:04 PM



Nothing really, it is largely an empty slogan used by the vast majority of people to justify why they should be able to have some special privilege or right at the expense of everybody else. It seems that virtually every single time I hear that blather come out of somebody's face, it is followed by why they shouldn't have to follow the rules, why they should be able despoil their property and all their neighbors' property as well. It is way of defending greed and selfishness and nothing more.


The american people (and yes, I only capitalize things that earn it). They are by and large ignorant, from top to bottom, and proud of it apparently. And I do mean top. A few weeks back I was treated to the typical evidence of this on the Diane Rehm Show out of Washington D.C., when three PhD economists professed their ignorance of the 1907 Panic and its causes. To have that claim of education and not know about the 1907 Panic just shows that most economists, and the rest of our educated elites, are idiots. And it's the same at the bottom. Most so-called christians in this "christian" country can't name 2 of the 4 Gospels, can't name 3 books of the Old Testament, 3 of the Ten Commandments, and so on. And as for teab-ggers, I listened to one woman who was all for the Constitution and getting back to it, she even had a copy in her purse. When asked if she had ever actually read the document, however, she said no, she never had, but she had it in her purse. Yeah, the same way some primitive carries around a joojoo bag to ward off evil spirits. And this type of cr-tin is supposed to participate in a complex modern democratic state? I bet virtually no one writing here could even write a thousand words on the basic history of the Constitution or the preceding document, the Articles of Confederation. In fact, I bet $1000 that many people who read this will think that the Articles of Confederation have something to do with the southern Confederacy, that's how ignorant most americans are. And that is the core problem, the people of this country are simply not fit intellectually to live in a democratic state. Sort of like turning a nuclear power plant over to a bunch of chimpanzees to run.


There is no fix. This country is in a state of terminal decline and the best that can be hoped for is when the collapse of the current rotten termite infested edifice begins, it won't take the rest of the planet with it in some final death spasm of a nuclear Armageddon. as it slides into dictatorship and dissolution.


Every time somebody hurls an epitaph like "socialist" or "fascist" or says they stand for the Constitution, they have to write a 1500 word essay explaining the term in context. No more empty rhetoric, you have to actually prove you know what you are even talking about. And if they don't delete their messages, since they have nothing worth reading or paying attention to, just random ape-like grunts and growls and screeches.

Our new site is based on the notion that here in the United States, you can express yourself however you want. Hey, It's a Free Country, right? But we also know that political discourse has reached a point where people are talking past, not to, each other. We've been asking our guest bloggers "What does the phrase mean to you?" and "What's broken in politics, and how do we fix it?" Now we want to hear from you! Take the Free Country survey below. You don't have to answer all of the questions, just tell us what's on your mind.

Comments [1]

PhilipM from Brooklyn NY

According to your theory, Black people should not be allowed to vote because their average IQ (in America) is 85! Or at least they should be tested to reflect some sort of "understanding" of the issues, and what the candidates stand for. Arguably the same thing can be said of White people, but there is more to this than meets the eye. It is common knowledge that over 90% of blacks voted for Obama. To drive home the point Howard Stern polled random Black people on the street in New York City on 10/13/08, and presented to them McCain's policies as if they were Obama's: Obama is pro life, pro-war in Iraq, anti-stem cell research, and, ready for this, "Would you have any problem with Sarah Palin being vice president"? Invariably, ALL the black people questioned agreed with McCain's policies thinking they were Obama's - INCLUDING having Sara Palin as a running mate!! So the question arises: in what way does voting color, race, or ethnic background or religion subvert the voting process? In my opinion it turns voting into a numbers game, makes the whole process of democracy less exciting, and has caused me to reevaluate my thinking.

Sep. 08 2010 04:22 AM

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