September 08, 2010 02:13:34 PM

Will Galison


Among other things, a country where our information is not censored and manipulated by media with a hidden agenda.

Without knowledge of what's going on, we are free only to be sheep.


My primary concern is the widespread corruption in the courts, a cancer that infects the other branches of government as well.

WNYC's role:

I have written a dozen letters to WNYC, trying to inform them of this crucial issue, but they will not even acknowledge receipt of those letters. In fact, WNYC has not done a single story on judicial corruption in over eight years, except when it occurs in a faraway land.

I asked them to cover or report on the Senate Hearings on judicial corruption that were held a few blocks from their office:

Recently I informed them of the murder of my friend Sunny Sheu, who reported death threats from a Supreme court Judge before being killed.

The police are covering up the murder by contradicting the findings of the Dr. who autopsied Sunny.

They have also banned me from posting on the WNYC Facebook site, and will not tell me why.

Politics will always be broken to some extent, but our sole salvation is a responsible and independent media. Tragically, WNYC has gone to the dark side in this respect.


Ultimately the media is the institution responsible for alerting the people when government is out of control, so that hey can fix it through the democratic process.

For this to occur, media must be free of outside influences which could create conflicts of interest.

In the case of WNYC, they are largely funded by "white shoe" law firms and their counsels such as Irwin Schneiderman form Cahill Gordon & Reindel.

In the case of WNYC, the station must stop censoring its members, and simply risk losing funding by standing up to the interests of their benefactors when these interests conflict with truthful, comprehensive reporting.


First of all, I think that WNYC should not censor my respectful. informative posts from its Facebook page, and that they should meet with me and my fellow victims of judicial corruption.

Otherwise, my dear friends, all this "freedom" talk is a lot of hot air.

I can be reached at

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