September 08, 2010 02:19:28 PM



That no one should tell me what to do as long as I am doing no harm to anyone else. We are all born with an inherrant sense of right and wrong and only when we are forced to subscribe to religious beliefs do we start to muddy the waters. Once we loose ouselves from the bonds of religious balderdash do we truly gain our freedom.


The insertion of a test for one's religiosity into politics has subverted the process by forcing people to compromise their non beliefs. In addition, the lack of campaign finance reform has completely undermined the ability of anyone to run for elected office. Finally, the recent decision by the supremely ignorant court that treats corporations as persons and allows them to pour huge sums of lucre into the selection process is ludicrous.


Ban the discussion or insertion of religious views during the campaigns for political office. Rescind the supremely ignorant court's decision of treating coprporations as persons. They are more equivalent to the Star Trek enemy known as 'The Borg' not in any way shape or form a person. Finally, restrict campaign contributions to $50.00 per person ((including corporations)parents could give money for each child)). This would equal approximately $1,500,0000,000.00 which should be more than enough to keep the campaign economy afloat.


Someone need to ask the tea party memebers to deatil what they mean by "Limited Government". They are constantly touting that their main goal is to reduce the size of government, but they never state how exactly they would do this. Also, they need to be reminded that Medicare and Social Security are entitlements and are ahuge chunk of the Federal Budget.

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