September 08, 2010 06:28:28 PM

TG, upstate/downstate


To me it is a play ground term as was stated in the introduction. This never has been a free country in any sense of the word. It was started by wealth men and has always favored them however enlightened by their times and study they were. Someone said freer, more freedoms and more mobility than in many other places. A totally free country would be anarchy. I don't think even these so called T-bagger, neo-libertarians would want this? De Tocqueville was right in so many ways. Our representative democracy with checks and balances including a check on the tyranny of the majority by and enlightened educated philosophical class has deteriorated. Not as hoped by bringing the general populace up to the level of "wisdom" and enlightened discourse but by bringing the level of discourse down in our representative bodies.
For starters though it means to me, in ideal, that you have the elucidated and natural rights of speech and action unless they trample on the same rights of other members of our society. We don't agree on what the rights are or on how to regulate the concept in law. This is where sincere and respectful discourse should enter in with the underlying belief in compromise mutual respect. Forces in media have led us astray, the science of advertising and influence.


One major problems is that corporations are not people and do not deserve all the same rights as an individuals. Our political system is perverted and distorted by the many monied interests influencing our legislators.
The second is the use of the science of influence so that people respond only reflexively vs. consideration, contemplation and constructive engagement.
Use of demonizing language code word language is out of control. If we continue as we are there may be a new civil war or willing partition of our country... Personally I see the religious right adopted by the Republican party (Goldwater, Regan, Bush), and funded by big corporations and mega wealthy individuals as responsible for this. Not that there is no responsibility or culpability on the far left as well, just SO much more from the right... I am guilty of actually growing to hate the figures of the right during the bush administration for their apparent disregard for our democracy, civil discourse and openness in govt.


First kill all the CEO and CFOs, -and their lawyers and stooges. I jest, paraphrasing Shakespeare of course. But what we do need is to eviscerate their power over our system. Get big money completely out of politics. No donations of more than about $100 from ANYbody, -or corporation. Shorten our election campaigns by law, have election day as a national holiday. Give common people the sense that they actually have a voice as long as it is respectful of others rights. Ban political advertisements in electronic media.
In addition full openness and disclosure of ALL funds used in ANY campaign local or national.
A political culture of intolerance for lies and untruths and for polarizing divisiveness, but of mutual respect for each other, our land/earth, and our belief in a system that could conserve our heritage and manage the future for the benefit of the largest number of our people, progressing respectfully together to sustain the ideals on which the country was founded. Hold our politicians accountable for lies, distruths and corruption personally and legally. How do we do this? Who knows, sounds like idealistic crap to me. Education about our system(civics), re-emphasis on student government in our education system? Nothing succeeds like success. Maybe pick one issue that almost everyone believes in or wants to accomplish and focus on that, get it done and see what happens. Is there such a common goal? Lets find out!!


Help identify a common goal that a wide majority of our citizens want for our country and ourselves. Actively search for that Common Ground that I have heard Brian talk about...

Our new site is based on the notion that here in the United States, you can express yourself however you want. Hey, It's a Free Country, right? But we also know that political discourse has reached a point where people are talking past, not to, each other. We've been asking our guest bloggers "What does the phrase mean to you?" and "What's broken in politics, and how do we fix it?" Now we want to hear from you! Take the Free Country survey below. You don't have to answer all of the questions, just tell us what's on your mind.

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