September 10, 2010 11:34:58 AM

Joe Fisher


The needs of a collective controlling majority prevailing in their cultural mores, habits, religious views and mores.


Manipulation of populist opinions to either left or right by exploiting people's genuine although naive trust. A growing shift to populism and mass culture opinions as manipulated by media ownership, so that media ownership is becoming the political power broker.


Establish firm guidelines for media behavior and penalize outright lies such as "birthday of Obama" or artificial baseless poll results. I would like to see rules of engagement for political campaigns similar to the debate rules to create a level playing field.


I would like an easier path to commenting on existing on air shows. I hurried to the computer to comment on the Kahn interview over Muslim POV for the center site and couldn't find it. I'm sure it's there but I couldn't find it within 10 clicks which is my threshold for giving up.

As far as the Kahn interview I think that more good has come out of it because my main criticism of Islamic leadership is that I never hear them and do not know who they are. I've never heard of this Imam up until this controversy and continue to feel that this is not a community effort but rather an individual peddling for financial support for an idea of his, which is perfectly OK, but I appreciate finally hearing this elusive "moderate Islamic voice."

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