September 13, 2010 12:19:33 PM





People (any and all categories) are expecting guaranteed goodies; very few want to settle for opportunity.


Provide more fact / quantity rich information; don't rely on value laden narrative "stories" (usually story lines)
to make decisions/choices.


See above.
What does it mean?
"Healthcare" (or as it seems to actually be "Health Insurance")Policy

The discussion seemed to be totally consumed by arguments for results, that were not related to dollar costs or behaviors that would be required or prohibited.

1) People should receive the same health insurance as their representatives in Congress.
No one ever mentioned the actual cost per Congressperson or the average cost for such coverage. (No sense stirring up greater voter unrest)
Question: How can anyone make a rational evaluation of that proposal without knowing the costs involved?

Indeed most of the debate on both sides had that kind of substance.

(BTW: The "Planet Money" productions on WNYC are the least offensive in this regard.)

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