September 14, 2010 04:36:30 PM

marvin schneider


free to do as you please as long as you are not trampling on other people's freedoms


Our politicians are bought and paid for by special interest money. Until & unless we get campaigne finance reform this country will get into deeper & deeper trouble & eventually collapse.The power to levy taxes should not be the domain of our corrupt congress.Those leaders who do not fight for reform are as guilty as the other scumbags in office by their silence.


Get the lobbyists out of the halls of
congress by permitting them only in state offices of representatives.Taxing should be the domain of nonpartisan former experts in the field of economics.
Former elected officials should not be permitted to function as lobbyists as they are nothing more than influence peddlers prostituting themselves.


Perhaps we should pay our congressmen more so that they do not have to sell themselves so cheaply to anyone offeringmoney.Change congressional house terms to four years so they are not out selling themselves to the highest bidders all the time.Campaign finance reform!!!!!!!

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