September 15, 2010 08:10:11 AM

Michelle Maturen


It means that we should do away with primaries, and instead have a general population wide vote for the two highest scoring candidates, who then run off in the final election.

I went to vote yesterday, and was told that I am ineligible, as I have not enrolled in a specific party. Thus, in primaries, we get the most fervent, extremist voters voting, and we exclude the more rational voters who refuse to declare allegiance to any specific party.

The result: we end up with the most radical candidates on the right and left--leaving the majority of voters--independent voters like myself--unimpressed with the candidates in the general election.


5hort-term, narrow-minded thinkers (who don't acknowledge the breadth of issues facing our country), corruption, and short intervals between elections (making politicians more concerned with re-election rather than working for the public) prevent our political system from working efficiently and effectively.


Prohibiting lobbying, corporate campaign financing, and pork spending would eliminate a significant amount of corruption in the American political sphere. Extending office terms from two years to four, and overturning the primary election system (as described above) would help get the most well-rounded, rational politicians in office who can look beyond short-term results to address our long-term prosperity.

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