September 21, 2010 11:38:47 AM



It means it is free to the gas drilling companies and the people who have signed leases to them, and the state who is going to pass a forced pooling law that forces me to be grouped with people who have signed leases. The gas companies can drill UNDER my property without my concent. The PA constitution says we have a right to clean water. The fracking method of getting gas out of the ground in PA has many dangerous chemicals that can and do get into the aquifers and they ruin our water for all time. Water is more important than gas. The state wants a severance tax where the money will be used to fill the hole in the state money. Will it be spent to help people have clean water? Will it make up the difference in my property devaluation because gas drilling has come to my state? This is very very wrong. We are not a free country.


We have a propaganda station on the air 24 hours a day and we have a supreme court that has given the corporations free rein to spend as much as they want with no way to know where the money came from because the republicans voted that down. This country is going back to the dark ages. Our middle class is going away. The corporations will run everything. We are becoming a third world country. Why would republicans believe that you can outsource all american jobs and think a country can run on consumer economics? Duh! The Federal Reserve needs to go away. We need as a country to print our own money. Things were manipulated to take the greatest resources of the boomers before they retire and distribute it among the 10 top banks. And they got away with it. It is time to help Main Street. If the money had been given to everyone in the US. There would be trickle up economics. People would have paid for new cars, paid off their loans, paid their mortgages, and the trickle up theory would have helped everyone. Derivatives need to be outlawed. It is gambling. We need Elizabeth Warren.


I not sure we can when you have half the country saying no to everything and not offering anything in the way of help themselves. Hypocrits.I am not a fan of people that cloak themselves in religion and make it a point to say that God is on their side. Jesus would wipe the floor with them. If they are following him, this is not what he intended.


A place where each kind of group can get together and communicate with each other. I want all the people confronted with gas drilling in 34 states to be able to go to one place and get information on articles, what their state governments are doing and not doing. Give poor people a voice not just a vote.

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