September 21, 2010 06:20:35 PM

Michael Cooper


I disagree that we are a free country. If it was truly free all citizens would have their voices heard by their local, state and federal representatives, not just the special interests that donate millions upon millions to influence how the votes go. By equating money to free speech, the Supreme Court says that if you are a poor hardworking stiff with no money, you have no say.


The obscene amount of given to politicians to influence voting and the partisan voting now going on. To call Congress the "United" States Congress is not correct.

It seems to me that everyone is out for their own self interest, and the hell with the next guy


Public financing of all elections,free use of the commercial airways for ads, limiting the amounts of money to be spent for mailings and robo calls.

I acknowledge the difficulty in creating such a system, deciding who qualifies and who doesn't, but some type of overhaul is necessary

Our new site is based on the notion that here in the United States, you can express yourself however you want. Hey, It's a Free Country, right? But we also know that political discourse has reached a point where people are talking past, not to, each other. We've been asking our guest bloggers "What does the phrase mean to you?" and "What's broken in politics, and how do we fix it?" Now we want to hear from you! Take the Free Country survey below. You don't have to answer all of the questions, just tell us what's on your mind.

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