September 26, 2010 12:07:51 PM



The USA provides an opportunity to be free to do as you'd like without harm the community. In exchange for freedom, each person has the responsibility to protect the community from harm.


too much money needed to run for office - money = power. The people in mass did not even matter - when so many millions marched against the war in Iraq.

That afternoon, George Bush was quoted (NYT ?) as saying it did not matter what the people wanted.

It was options like this that leveled the playing field.


1. If only 1, I'd focus on EACH child's development from 0-6. Republicans and their Democratic Allies act like children fighting in a sandbox.

2. Let the tax cut for the wealthy expire so we can address the deficit issue, perhaps in 8 years the US will have a surplus again.

3. Free media for political campaigns. Impeach Supreme Court judges who argued that corporations can have "freedom" to manipulate the globe. Neo-colonialism is entrenched so much that nation-states no longer have sovereignty -- corporations create economic incentives that make having national borders a wasted expense - now poor migrants, immigrants are forced back to "hunting and gathering" metaphorically following "the food" even as corporations out-source, down-size, and thrive on offshore tax shelters and complain that taxes are too high.

4. Stop putting Wall Street in the White House. Cut the puppet strings controlling Timothy Geithner and expose the the puppeteers who hold them.


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