September 28, 2010 12:08:32 AM

oscar maldonado


free country means i can do anything i want


everything, ppl need to chill out...religion is an old boring arterie in this universe and its method to survive has taken many lives,..its true i dont have the power to understand evryones heart and i guess thats whats wrong in the first place.


first of all the u.n needs to get a spokesperson that has cojones and immediately fix the problem in the middle east,..i would have the world sell or trade all their weapons to a one bank under the u.n, and have food or money in xchange for these arms and have the rest of the world collect destroy and take all that metal and start making computers and everyone will get along!


I think that this iniative can only be made by the powers of only one man if he has the will to do it, i hope that its not that difficult for our 21st century mind,..Mr President Obama is a good candidate!

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