September 30, 2010 10:42:30 AM

Jawbone of an Ass


We are free to believe what we want unfettered by a state sanctioned religion.
We are fre to pursue our ideals and improve the lives not just of ourselves but of others.


The only thing that makes the extremist candidates of the right so formidable is their willingness to crash and burn for the cause.

I don't know how else to explain a Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Carl Paladino or a Jim Russell (who already augered in over in Westchester thank God), except to compare them to those who go to flight school, to learn how to take off, but not to land.

They may have taken off upon a wave of anger and frustration, but they clearly neglect the part that says you have to have the skill-sets to land safely as well.

We should beware these insurgents may gain enough momentum to actually rotate, gain office, and fly for awhile like some dopey looking birds trying their wings for the first time if good people are complacent enough to simply sit back and point and laugh.

I have to admit some of the things they have said are pretty funny in a Three Stooges kind of way.

What's not so funny is the damage they can and will cause, have now "pledged" to cause, if we do stand by and do nothing. Nevertheless, even looking at the statistics that would argue otherwise, I remain wary of statements like "hasn't got a chance in hell." Rick Lazio, for one, clearly took his endorsement for granted and oopsie! Dropped the soap!

He's now been called to heel by his masters to support the Warlord from the Northen Provinces.

All it takes is one torpedo in the water to ruin your whole day.


Stop the money. Cut off the funding, not to government but to politicians. PJ Orourke says "Don't Vote it just encourages the bastards". I say stop sending them money.


Recognize the fact that anger and frustration are not good tools for good government. See above.

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