October 05, 2010 11:17:42 AM

Publius II


Free to dream about bi-partisanship.


The concept of compromise


We need to market the spirit of compromise for the People's benefit. I'd change the presiential term to a one-year six yr term, provide a budget item for federal election campaign spending (a progressive rate based on office) and eliminate all political contributions, individual or corporate to $1000.


Point and counterpoint from the best minds we can get, whether professional or amateur. For example, take the example of off-shore drilling. WNYC would bring in two experts on the subject and two articulate listeners who debate the issue. The experts can express the facsts and figures while the listeners can express their wishes and concerns.

Our new site is based on the notion that here in the United States, you can express yourself however you want. Hey, It's a Free Country, right? But we also know that political discourse has reached a point where people are talking past, not to, each other. We've been asking our guest bloggers "What does the phrase mean to you?" and "What's broken in politics, and how do we fix it?" Now we want to hear from you! Take the Free Country survey below. You don't have to answer all of the questions, just tell us what's on your mind.

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